Phone: 314-669-1781


Degrees and Certifications:

BA dual major in Music and Mathematics - Washington University MA in Music Theory - Washington University MS in Education - Johns Hopkins University

Mr. Zach Colonius

Hello students and families!

I grew up in north county St. Louis and graduated from the Hazelwood school district. I then attended Washington University where I completed dual majors in both my passions of math and music. After my undergraduate degree I focused on music for many years, pursuing graduate work in music theory at Wash U and teaching introductory classes at other local colleges.  I was motivated to switch back to math and move into high school education because of the overwhelming challenges I saw students face in college when they did not have a strong previous math education. 

I then spent three years living in Baltimore.  There I earned a second master’s degree in education at Johns Hopkins University, while teaching math in Baltimore City public schools.  I moved back to St. Louis for the 20-21 school year and joined the faculty at Carnahan High School. This is my second year at Metro, and I am very excited to share my love for math with all of you!

"Education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think." -Albert Einstein