
    Executive Board Members

    Email us:  metrohighpto@gmail.com


    Chair - Lisa Granich - Kovarik 

    (provides leadership for the PTO;  presides over the meetings;  prepares agendas and distributes prior to meeting)

    Vice Chair - Angel Were

    (assumes role of Chair in his/her absence;  assists in recommending appointment/dismissal of members;  serves as Chair Nominating Committee)

    Secretary - Christina Robinson

    (keeps minutes of PTO Meetings;  distributes to Board for review prior to next meeting;  assists with promotion, production, coordination for the PTO)

    Treasurer - Jennifer Anania

    (maintains PTO bank accounts;  receives and deposits funds and keeps records of them;  presents approval of proposed budget prior to the 1st PTO Meeting)

    Parliamentarian - Minyon Foluke 

    (maintains order at the PTO Meetings; oversees the election of Officers while recruiting for them;  reviews Bylaws every other year)


    Class Reps

    2024 (Seniors): 

    2025 (Juniors):

    2026 (Sophmores): 

    2027 (Freshman):

    • Kari jackson
    • Chunzi Peng