• Paper 2 reading


    1. Multiple Choice Questions

    Choose the correct answer.

    2. Identifying true sentences

    Choose the X true statements.

    3. Short answer questions

    Answer the following question(s).

    4. Finding words in the text

    Find the word or phrase in lines X - Y which mean the following:

    5. Complete sentences using phrases from the text

    Find the words that complete the following sentences. Answer using the words as they appear in the text / lines X - Y.

    6. Vocabulary exercices - matching words

    What do the following words mean in the text? Choose the appropriate words from the list.

    7. Connect two halves of one sentence

    Choose an appropriate ending from the list that completes each sentence.

    8. Gap filling exercises (in summary - words chosen from option)

    Choose an appropriate word from the list that completes each gap in the following text.

    9. Matching questions to answer

    Choose an appropriate question from the list that completes each gap in the text.

    10. Matching paragraph headings

    Choose an appropriate heading from the list that completes each gap in the text.

    11. True or False questions with justifications

    The following statements are either true or false. Tick the correct option then justifiy it using words as they appear in the text. Both parts are required for [1 mark].

    12. Identifying references / structural features

    To whom or to what do the underlined words refer? Answer using words as they appear in the text.

    N.B. Questions to be presented NOT in tables, but as normal questions and standard answer line/boxes.

    13. Matching person with statement

    Choose the appropriate statement from the list for each person.