• Lesson/Topic

    Learning Target

    Learning targets are short- term, student-friendly statements that clearly define what students should know and be able to do at the end of the lesson.

    Activities, Instruction & Modeling

    What do you need to explain, present, facilitate, or model? What instructional strategies will you use? What will students do to understand concepts or practice skills (practice, discussion, reflection, creation)? Synchronous learning refers to a learning event in which a group of students are engageing in learning at the same time. Asynchronous learning is instruction and learning that does not occur in the same place or at the same time – usually independently.

    Formative Assessment /Exit Slip

    How will students demonstrate their daily learning? How will you know if they understand concepts or can apply skills? Please provide links.

    Due Date

    Synchronous/Live Instruction

    Asynchronous Playlist

    Lesson 1

    First Day of School

    Lesson 1



    Do Now

    Create a name placard for your  desk

    Student information inventory

    Your teacher will check your work on all activities

    Lesson 1


    Lesson 2

    Second Day of School

    Lesson 2


    Do Now

    Fill out an index card to help you remember important information that you will need

    "Who Am I?"

    Complete this form about your interests


    Your teacher will check your work



    Lesson 2


    Lesson 3

    Third Day of School





    Lesson 3


    Do Now

    You will receive a paper with some directions. Fill it out.


    Practice opening your so you can place it on your locker



    Your teacher will help you if you need help.

    Lesson 3


    Lesson 4

    Fourth Day of School

    Lesson 4


    Do Now

    Who is your "locker buddy?"  


    Work on the poster "It's All About You"

    Teacher will provide materials that students may need


    Lesson 4


    Lesson 5


    Lesson 5


    Do Now

    Complete you Do Now slip by responding to the Question how comfortable are you in your new school?


    Finish any work that you have not completed.



    Lesson 5




    For additional support, reach us in SLPS 6-12 Science Classroom Team