We, the staff and faculty of Compton-Drew Investigative Learning Center Middle School, welcome all students and their parents.  Students are expected to actively participate in all classes.  Students are expected to bring all materials to class each day that will enable them to be successful.    Any student who is not successful at the fifth week progress report will receive a letter for his/her parent to attend a conference with the grade level team.  A deficiency letter will follow during the 3rd & 8th week of the quarter for those students still experiencing academic deficiencies.  If any parent has an academic concern, please feel free to contact the school for an appointment with the appropriate team.  Parents may go to www.slps.org to schedule an appointment or call (314) 652-9282.


    Computers at Compton-Drew ILC are to be used for assigned research, word-processing, and enhancing keyboarding skills.  Unauthorized use and/or vandalism of computer hardware or peripherals will result in loss of computer privileges.  Compton-Drew ILC students are expected to follow the rules, regulations, and policies of the St. Louis Public School District.  Authorization forms for use of the Internet signed by the parent must be returned before students will be allowed to use the computer. 


    Studies on excellence in education encourage homework as a valuable tool for strengthening educational opportunities for all students.  It is the policy of the St. Louis Public Schools that the teachers regularly assign homework that enhances the educational development of students.  Each family is asked to set aside approximately ninety minutes (90) each evening for academic excellence.  At the middle school level, at least twenty minutes per core subject should be allotted for homework each evening.  Also, please remember our belief is that Reading Is The Key That Opens The Doors To Success.

    In adopting this Homework Policy, the Board reaffirms its belief that homework is an essential and required part of the student’s total educational program for it broadens and extends the principles, concepts, and information taught and learned in the classroom.

    The Homework Policy:

    1.      Reinforces the principles, concepts, and information taught and learned in the classroom.

    2.      Assists teachers in assessing the student’s comprehension of concepts and skills covered in the classroom.

    3.      Stimulates creative, logical, and critical thought.

    4.      Provides additional time for independent study by the student.

    5.      Provides an opportunity for the creative application of material mastered during the formal class.

    6.      Teaches the student self-discipline and self-motivation, regardless of the responsibility and effort required to complete the assignments.

    7.      Assists the students in making up missed work during absences from school in a timely manner.

    These guidelines permit parents to have a more active role in education of their children, monitoring their classroom assignments, and in becoming familiar with their textbooks. 

    It is very important that each student and parent understand that this preparation may vary in form.  Note-taking, creative planning, or reviewing a day’s lesson are example of preparation.  Please note that all homework is not necessarily a written assignment.

    We recommend that every parent help his/her child plan a study schedule.  While some time is provided at school, not all students are able to complete the assignments.  The amount of study time depends on the habits of the individual student.  If your child comes home every day and reports that they have no homework, it would be wise to contact or visit your child’s advisory teacher.  Additionally, if you feel that your child is spending excessive time studying, we suggest contacting or visiting the advisory teacher.  We do not have scheduled study halls; therefore, homework is to be done at home.

    High standards in neatness, correct spelling, and legible work are expected from all students.  Sloppy or careless work will not be accepted.  As a mark of personal responsibility, students are expected to hand in all homework assignments, permission slips, forms, etc., on specified dates and times.

    In the event of an absence, it is the responsibility of the student to secure all missing assignments within two (2) days and return them the time frame given by the teacher.  For long-term illnesses (2 days or more) parents are required to contact the Main Office at 652-9282 and arrange to pick up their child’s homework assignments. 


    Teachers will issue numbered textbooks to all students.  The books are to be used for class and homework assignments during the school year.  Students are responsible for returning books in good condition at the end of the school year.  Students needing to replace a lost book may get book replacement information from their teacher.  At the end of the year, students are responsible for returning the book that they were issued.  If students fail to return that book, then the book is considered lost and the parent will be responsible for paying for the textbook if it cannot be found.  The parent will be informed of this by a letter indicating the title, number and cost of the textbook.  No student records will be released until all lost items are paid for.


    Parents will receive an academic report at the end of each five (5) week period.  Progress Reports will be issued at 5, 15, 25, and 35 weeks.  Report Cards will be issued at 10, 20, 30, and 40 weeks.  Parent-Teacher Conferences are held once in each semester to provide an opportunity for parents to discuss their students’ academic progress.  Additionally, Compton-Drew will communicate during the 3rd and 8th week of each quarter by providing a written notice in a “deficiency letter”.



    Students are evaluated using their portfolios (a sampling of the individual’s work) and scoring guides, as well as traditional grading instruments.  Grades may be earned based on daily and/or weekly test results, class participation, projects, and assignments.  Teachers will use the following district grading scale.

    Grading Scale

    100 – 90  = A

      89 – 80  = B

      79 – 70  = C

      69 – 60  = D

      59 –   0  = F