6:30 a.m.         School opens for Breakfast program

                                                    7:05 a.m.         Students pass to their lockers and 1st Period Class

                                                    2:07 p.m.         Dismissal to buses

                                                    2:07 p.m.         Afterschool Clubs


    All students are to remain on campus for the entire school day unless they are involved in an out-of-building activity approved by the administration.


    Attendance records are maintained in the student’s permanent school file along with academic and behavioral records.  Parents are responsible for the regular attendance of all school age children between the ages of 7 and 17 years. The school social worker is available to respond to parents regarding the student’s tardiness to or absence from school.  All tardy and absent time from school will be recorded.  A cumulative record is kept of all time absent from school.  (This includes absences, tardiness, appointments or early dismissals.)  All time away from school must be documented by the parent/guardian.

    1.      Tardiness:

    a.       When arriving more than 10 minutes after the beginning of the school day, the parent is requested to accompany the student into the building or send a note with the student explaining the reason for the student’s tardiness.

    b.      A student with continued tardiness will be referred to the school administration and follow-up will be done by the school social worker, when indicated.

    2.      Early Dismissal and Appointments:

    a.       Early dismissals must also be documented with a call or written statement by the parent/guardian.  

    b.      Telephone the school or send a written statement before your child is absent due to an appointment scheduled during school hours. 

    3.      Absence:

    a.       Each absence must be documented with a telephone call and a written statement from the parent/guardian or physician as appropriate.   

    b.      The parent of a student with a chronic medical condition is requested to submit annually a written statement from the student’s health care provider verifying the student’s absence is related to the existing medical condition.  This information needs to be submitted to the school social worker or school nurse at the beginning of the school year.   

    c.       Extended illnesses at home or in the hospital must be documented with a telephone call and a written statement from the parent and the student’s health care provider.  

    d.      A student with 5 or more undocumented absences throughout the school year will be referred to the school social worker.   

    e.       The parents of students having more than 10 unexcused absences can be referred to juvenile court.  The parent will be requested to contact the school social worker.  The parents will be notified in writing that a court referral is being made.  

    The school social worker can be contacted at the school when school is in session.  Leave your name, the student’s name and a telephone number where you can be contacted when the social worker is not at this school’s location.  You will be contacted as soon as possible.  We suggest that you ask for the name of the person receiving your inquiry each time you contact or telephone the school regarding your child.

    Compton-Drew ILC dolphins are expected to attend school daily, and to be on time daily.  This expectation keeps our achievement and attendance rates high.  In any instance of absence, tardiness, or emergency, parents are expected to notify the school by phone at 652-9282and in writing. Parents are expected to call the school when a student is absent.  Students will not be allowed to make-up any missed work due to an ‘unexcused absence’ (an unexcused absence is any time a student is absent from school and the school is not notified of the absence).  Students must bring a note when they return to school.

    Any early dismissal requires a parent to sign the student out in the office.  If the parent will not be the one to pick up the student, the following guidelines must be met:

    1.      The parent must phone the school with the name of the person who will be picking up the student.

    2.      Any person picking up a student must be 21 years of age or older and must be on the child’s Authorization To Release form – NO EXCEPTIONS!

    When tardy, students are required to report to the office, sign in and get a tardy slip, report to their advisor, and then their class.  Any announcement regarding school closings, due to inclement weather or other circumstances will be carried on local television and radio stations.

    themselves with the consequences for these actions.  Parents must sign the parental signature sheet and return it to their child’s advisory teacher.