  • Compton-Drew ILC Middle School

    5130 Oakland Avenue

    St. Louis, Missouri 63110-1406

    July 24, 2024

    Greetings Dolphins & Parents,

    I would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 academic year.  This year’s theme is We are TALENTED… We are the Portrait of a Graduate! In pursuit of excellence, we will be focused on being the portrait of a graduate.  Every course will be designed to help dolphins become college and career ready, competent, change agents, critical thinkers, communicators, culturally aware, and collaborators.  The foundation of this work will be literacy: listening, speaking, reading & writing in every content area.    Students will be participating in new experiences to expose them to educational and career opportunities.  It will be a rigorous year filled with high expectations and lots of love.

                  To achieve our goal of excellence, we will have to work together, so expect us to call upon you early in the school year and often. Over the summer, the district and the school have experienced some changes.  With change comes obstacles and opportunities. The school, parents, students, and the community will have to work together to overcome any obstacles that may arise.  Although change may be challenging at times, I am encouraged by change because it presents us with new opportunities to be  innovative, creative, and be our best selves.  These are the very opportunities that help us grow and get better.  I know that together we can do anything for the benefit of our dolphins.              

                  Finally, I want to say thank you in advance.  Thank you for choosing to entrust your most precious gift to us.  Thank you for being an active participant in your child’s education.  We hope to continue earning your trust and being deserving of the faith you are placing in us to educate your child.  In preparation for the school year, please find the most up-to-date information that we can provide regarding the start of the school year.  We look forward to seeing your child(ren) on Monday, August 19, 2024.



    In Pursuit of Excellence,

    Susan J. Reid                                               

    Susan J. Reid, Ed.S.                                                                                 
