- Compton-Drew ILC Middle School
- Overview
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Welcome to Compton-Drew Investigative Learning Center Middle School from your Administrative Team!
We look forward to an exciting and challenging school year. We offer our best to assist you and guide you in reaching the goals that have been set. As a middle school student, we encourage you to be an active learner and an active participant in your learning experience. The following pages in this handbook explain what you need to know to make your years here successful. Take time to review these pages with your parent(s). We welcome the opportunity to work as a team with your parents and you to prepare you for life.
The Compton-Drew ILC Middle School experience, by design, is intended to provide an extraordinary learning environment for all students. Our unique program is designed to assist students and involve parents in quality educational opportunities. Our approach to education is to focus on the advancement of knowledge and encourage proficiency in all of the disciplines. All of our efforts are centered on providing our students with the necessary skills, concepts, and attitudes that echo our motto –
“Continuing the Tradition of Excellence.”
The Compton-Drew ILC Middle School will foster a learning community through collaboration of teacher facilitated and student directed life-long learning. Our community will celebrate diversity through inclusionary representations of all societal elements. We will engage our young citizens for active lives in a democratic society, fostering leadership and respect for individual cultural values.
PHILOSOPHYWe believe it is the responsibility of Compton-Drew ILC staff, faculty, parents, students, and the community to implement a program that embodies the concept that education is a growth process, by which people make choices that promote learning to think and act more effectively.
SCHOOL NAMEOur school is named in honor of two distinguished scientists, Dr. Arthur Holly COMPTON, former chancellor of Washington University, noted physicist and Nobel Prize winner, and Dr. Charles Richard DREW, an African-American surgeon who developed techniques for processing and storing blood plasma for use in transfusions.
COMPTON-DREW ILC MIDDLE SCHOOL PLEDGE“Each day at Compton-Drew Investigative Learning Center Middle School, I will meet the personal, social, and intellectual challenges that attempt to impede my educational goals. I will demonstrate trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, compassion, and citizenship. I will do all of this so that I may actualize my potential, have self-pride, and achieve academic excellence.”
SCHOOL COLORSBurgundy and Navy Blue
SCHOOL MOTTO“Continuing the Tradition of Excellence!”
STUDENT BODYOur student body is diverse, integrating many different philosophies, cultures, backgrounds, and experiences into a dynamic learning community. Tolerance, acceptance of individual differences, respect, courtesy, and patience are expected. More importantly, students learn to enjoy the rich diversity of the human experience.
To Our Students: As you mature, you are expected to assume greater responsibility for your academic and behavioral performance. This means that you must obey school and bus rules as they have been explained to you, as well as listed in the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. Rules are necessary in our lives in order to understand how we are expected to act in a variety of situations and what acceptable standards of conduct are. Teachers and parents can counsel, encourage, and assist you; however, the time has come for you to assume responsibility for your own behavior if you are to get the most from your educational experience.
To Our Parents: You are the first and most important teacher your child will ever have. It is critical that students see the joint relationship and shared responsibility between parents and the staff of the school. We believe that this is a key component in a productive learning experience and in achieving the desired end result – a successful, functioning, contributing member in a global society.
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENTThe Compton-Drew ILC Middle School PTO/PCAC Executive Board is a community of parents and teachers, and community members dedicated to the academic, social, and emotional growth of our students. We invite and encourage all parents to serve on the Executive Board, attend the monthly PTO meetings, and support the activities sponsored by the organization.
For the latest information and to stay connect with other interested Compton-Drew parents, please visit us at:
www.facebook.com/compton-drewilcpto and follow us on twitter
PTO Monthly Meeting – 3rd Thursday of each month, Time TBA