Classwork and Homework

  • There are three travel groups for Ms. Goddard's Math Classes:           

    Period 2 and 5 Math Travel Group

    Period 2 (A Days)      7:25  to 8:40 am

    Period 5                    11:40 am to 12:55 pm

    Period 3 Math Travel Group         

    Period 3                    8:40 to 9:55 am

    Period 6 Math Travel Group

    Period 6                   12:55 to 2:02 pm 

    Our class is divided into four sections - Do Now, Direct Instruction, Classwork and Exit Ticket.   There is a specific Learning Target for each day that is listed in the classroom.  It is important to be at school, on time for class and active in the learning as five participation points are earned:

    • 1 Point for being on time to class and working on the Do Now
    • 1 Point for participation in direct Instruction
    • 1 Point for taking notes
    • 1 Point for classwork
    • 1 Point for exit ticket

    If a student is absent, it is the student's responsibility to find their missed assignments on Microsoft Teams.   See "Attendance Policy" in the Math Syllabus for more details.