To fulfill one of the pillars of our mission and stay true to our school name, Carnahan offers diverse and exciting STEAM courses, in addition to its already cross-curricular STEAMatized core subjects. These courses are taught on STEAM Days, which occur on Mondays (C days). Depending on student needs and interests, each student can choose up to 5 STEAM electives from the following STEAM courses list (please note, some are mandatory):

    • Health (High School credit)
    • (mandatory) Socio-Emotional Learning around Universals 
    • (mandatory) STEAM Wheel - a rotation of STEAM units from Sam Labs curriculum resource which embeds coding in instructional modules
      • Welcome to SAM Studio
      • Becoming Future-Ready
      • Architecture
      • Filmmaking & Entertainment
      • Agricultural Science
      • Climate & Environmental Science
      • Aerospace Science & Engineering
      • Video Game Development
      • Artificial Intelligence
      • SAM Spotlights
      • STEAM Career Explorations (from Beable)
    • Fitness
    • Stage Craft
    • Theater
    • Hispanic Culture and Language
    • Building Futures (woodshop and engineering)
    • Chess
    • eSports
    • Personal Finance
    • Accelerated Math (for students that need additional support with math concepts)
    • Accelerated Reading (for students that need additional support with reading and writing)

    Carnahan prides itself on providing appropriate facilities, equipment, and resources for students to successfully "walk" the STEAM paths:

    • Woodshop (fully equipped with tools and supervised by trained staff, sponsored by Building Futures)
    • STEAM lab, in the making, equipped with state-of-the art:
      • Z-Space 
      • 3D printers (see example project below)
      • Robotics kits (Lego Spike Prime)
      • Sam Labs sensors and kits
    • eSports Classroom