Phone: 314-604-8894


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Educational Studies, Harris Stowe, St. Louis MO

Mr. Jerrid Massey

It is with great pleasure to spend my days serving as the Student Affairs Manager at Carnahan STEAM. This is my 6th year in the building, 5th in this position. I came here a semester after graduating from Harris-Stowe State University's, Class of 2018, and have been locked in and committed ever since. While attending the ONLY HBCU in Saint Louis, I was very active in campus life and student development. This directly coincides with my line of work today, as my roles and responsibilities mainly cover student socio-emotional learning, student activities, building climate and culture, and discipline. My goals for the students of Carnahan STEAM are to develop in all aspects of growth, with specific regards to self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-appreciation. It is my ideology that we can lead change in our community, but it must begin within ourselves. 
Stay Calm. Stay Safe.
Mr. Massey