• Army Corps of Engineers Gives Five-Year Commitment to Career Academy Students

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    Our largest Internship Site Host, The Army Corps of Engineers’ District Commander, Colonel Anthony Mitchell, visited Career Academy on Thursday, March 17th.  Colonel Mitchell is the first African American to lead the Regional District of the Army Corps.  The Commander is a graduate of Prairie View A&M University, an HBCU outside of Houston, Texas, where he studied biology; he also holds a master’s degree in Engineering and a master’s degree in Strategic Security Affairs.  Colonel Mitchell came to St. Louis from a leadership position at the Pentagon where he was principal advisor to the Assistant Secretary of The Army.  At The Corps, Colonel Mitchell commands 700 employees in a 28,000 square mile district which includes Missouri and Illinois.  As an Internship Site, our students are privileged to shadow professionals in a plethora of career fields beyond men and women in uniform; our soldiers are Accountants, Engineers, EEO Officers, Architects, Computer Networking Specialists, Public Affairs Directors, and Biologists.  As their interns, our students are exposed to invaluable information that gives them a glimpse into the day to day endeavors of a rewarding career.  The Corps takes special interest in their interns by providing core values, skills and incentives. 

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    Senior Class Secretary, Alexander Harper, from the Business Management Pathway, who Interns in Colonel Mitchell’s office, guided a tour of our school for the Commander, Army Corps Staff, Our Principal, Mr. Michael Brown and our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Sylvia Shead.  Our guests visited each pathway, met each teacher, and connected with our students.  After the tour, lunch was served by the Culinary and Hospitality Pathway students for Colonel Mitchell, other guests, the ten seniors who are interning at the Army Corps, and our Administrators.  The day ended with Colonel Mitchell and Mr. Brown signing an agreement for the Army Corps to continue as an Internship Site Host for the next five years. 
    Miller Career Academy is grateful for the Army Corps of Engineers' commitment to our students!  To see more pics from the visit, click here