• DBM Logo

             Database Management

    Bast 1Bast 2

    Teacher: Tom Bast                                                        Email: tom.bast@slps.org                                       Room Number: 210

    Phone Extension: 61210                                                "Think Outside the Box"                                       Text/Cell:314-750-0940

    What is Database Management?

    Companies in the twenty-first century require Information Technology and business
    savvy skills with literacy
    and good work ethic to be cutting edge
    and bring value to their clients.
    The Database Management (DBM) program at Clyde C. Miller
    Career Academy hones and nurtures these skills with the following components
    (1) Computer Applications – mastering the Microsoft Office suite with spreadsheet,
    document, and presentation
    software emphasis;
    (2) Database Design – building databases that track items virtually and
    electronically instead of in file cabinets;

    (3) Web Development – developing websites with a business and
    professional look that can link to databases;

    (4) Computer Programming – designing programs and conditions in Java
    and SQL (Structured Query Langua
    ge) that can be the foundation for a video game;
    (5) Mobile App Design – building mobile functions that launch on the smartphone;  
    (6) Service Learning – how to be a leader with service and by giving
    back to the community

    Class Lessons / Assignments:

    Seniors:                   Juniors:                 Sophomores:                  Freshmen:
    Piloting Site(Web) Development Associate 2015 
    Exploring Microsoft Office Specialist in Word, Excel, or Power Point for 2016.
    Career Technical Competitions / Memberships:

    Database Management supports student participation in technical,
    leadership, and business development competitions for 
    Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA),
    Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE),
    and the Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA).  Whether programmers,
    developers, video game or web / mobile app designers,
    database administrators (DBA’s), or business entrepreneurs,
    the DBM graduate will bring value and think outside the box
    as the
    next generation of twenty-first century leaders.
    FBLA members FBLA State Treasurer 2012 fbla logo
    nfte logo
    bdpa logo

    Internship Sites:
    Army Core of Engineers St. Louis Science Center Trex Business Incubator
    Sparkman Magazine YMCA St. Louis University

    Community Partnerships:
    Ameren MO NFTE2 Justine Petersen
    Oracle Ranken Tech College
    Junior Achievement AT&T