- Roosevelt High School
- Classroom Expectations
Manka, Krystal - SPED & Mathematics Department Chair
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Dr. Manka’s Expectations in 022
Attendance- Be here on time. We start class when the bell rings. The door will be locked when the bell rings, and you will need a pass to enter after that time. You will also not earn your full daily participation points if you are late.
Language/Behaviors- We want everyone to be successful. To do that, we need to create a positive, collaborative classroom community. This means being respectful, responsible, and safe in the classroom.
Food/Drinks - You are welcome to have drinks in the room if they are not a distraction. If you make a mess, please clean up after yourself. Per building expectations, food is not allowed in the classroom*. Put it away or throw it away.
Computers- District laptops are the only device allowed in the classroom. Other devices should have been turned in during check-in at the beginning of the day. Non-district electronic devices in the classroom will be reported to security and administration. District devices are for schoolwork only. Unless it is being used for classwork, it must be put away (off the desk & no headphones in/on). During independent work, you may listen to music with headphones if it is not a distraction, but keep the device closed or page minimized. There will be a limited number of loaner laptops that may not leave the classroom and can only be used for schoolwork.
Passes- You may use your pass to the restroom or water fountain when needed. However, if you lose your pass, you will not be permitted to leave the classroom. If you need a pass to the clinic/nurse, please ask. Only one student may be out of the room on a pass at a time.
End of Class- Please clean up after yourself. Return any borrowed materials, put trash in the trashcan, and clean up any spills/stains in your area. Wait at your desk until the bell rings.
This list is not exhaustive. If I need to clarify more expectations in the classroom, I will!
Let us have a wonderful year as a positive, collaborative classroom!