                                                                                  Attendance Expectations
    Statute 167.031, RSMo, states that any parent, guardian, or other person having custody or control of a child between the ages of seven (7) and seventeen (17), must ensure that the child is enrolled and regularly attends public, private, parochial school, home school or a combination of schools for the full term of the school year.
    • The term "compulsory attendance age for the district" shall mean seventeen (17) years of age.
    • Children between the ages of five (5) and seven (7) are not required to be enrolled in school. However, if they are enrolled in a public school their parent, guardian, or custodian must ensure that they regularly attend. 
     When a student is absent for three (3) consecutive days (unexcused or unexplained absences) or has 3-5 total absences, the school shall prepare and send a 1st letter to parent(s)/guardian(s). Additional absences, excused and/or unexcused, shall be addressed in the following manner:
    • 6-9 absences= 2nd parent letter
    • 10 or more absences = 3rd parent letter and notification to the Missouri Division of Children's Services, Juvenile Court, and/or City Court.
     For questions regarding attendance, please Jason.Williams@slps.org and Margaret.Murphy@slps.org.