February Update

  • Wow! February snuck up on me. It feels like the year is flying by!

    Class Updates

    Fundamental/Essential Math has been learning about the different 3D shapes, their nets, and how to find their volume and surface area. We also learned to convert customary units of capacity and weight. Next, we will be learning about data analysis and basic statistics.

    Consumer/Practical Math just finished our unit renting and buying a home. We are just starting our mini-unit on student loans, then we will move on to investing, and insurance.

    Advisory will continue to improve our social-emotional learning during the new semester. Some of our topics include social contributions, self-advocacy, goal setting, fairness, healthy relationships, self-compassion, and optimism. Each week students complete an SEL lesson online, an academic check in, and a reflection. They also have an assignment each week related to the lesson. Some weeks this assignment is a group activity, other weeks it is individual.


    Just a reminder, classes start at 7:15 a.m.!

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    Important Dates for February:

    2/14: No School for Students (Professional Development for Teachers)

    2/17: No School (President’s Day)

January Monthly Update

  • Semester 1 is over; Semester 2 begins! I hope you all enjoy your winter break and get to spend quality time with those who are important to you.

    Person wearing red mittens holding a small snowman

    Class Updates

    Fundamental/Essential Math will be starting off the new semester with three-dimensional geometry. We will be learning about the different 3D shapes, their nets, and how to find their volume and surface area. We will also work with converting customary units of volume and mass. This semester, we will also be learning about congruence and transformations, types of numbers, and data analysis.

    Consumer/Practical Math will be starting off the new semester learning about renting and buying a home. This semester, we will also learn about student loans, investing, and insurance.

    Advisory will continue to improve our social-emotional learning during the new semester. Some of our topics include social contributions, self-advocacy, goal setting, fairness, healthy relationships, self-compassion, and optimism. I have asked the students to complete a survey to give them more voice in what we do this semester. I will use that feedback to determine how advisory will look moving forward.


    Just a reminder, classes start at 7:15 a.m.!

    A red and black scheduleDescription automatically generated

    Important Dates for January:

    1/1-1/3: No School

    1/6: Return to school!

    1/20: No School

December Monthly Update

  • As the semester comes to an end, please remember that all missing assignments are due before finals to earn credit!

    Class Updates

    Fundamental/Essential Math classes have been finishing up on our 2D Geometry Unit. We’ve learned how to find area and perimeter of shapes to prepare for our final project of creating a floor plan!

    Consumer/Practical Math class just finished our Income Taxes. We are now finishing up the semester learning about car buying and loans!

    Advisory has been continuing to focus on Social Emotional Learning. We have discussed the Collective Goals, Empathy and Social Change, Accepting Emotions, Understanding Respect, Valuing All Cultures, and Long- and Short-term Consequences.


    Important Dates for December:

    12/16- C day Schedule

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    12/17-12/20 Finals

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    12/23-1/3 No School

November Monthly Update

  • I cannot believe November is almost here. Fall is in full swing, and winter will be here before we know it. With the changing seasons and changing weather, we can reflect on how these seasonal changes mirror our own journey as a school community. Just as trees shed their leaves to prepare for winter, we too, must embrace our changes and welcome changes in staff members who may bring new perspectives and energy. Winter is a time of reflection and recharging. As we settle into this new quarter and new season, take a moment to reflect on our school goals and the impact we have on each other. The winter season may seem quiet, but beneath the surface, the earth is preparing for spring, just as we are laying the groundwork for our personal growth. Lastly, as we celebrate winter holidays and festivities, we must take time to celebrate our successes as a school community, both big and small, to motivate us all through the winter months. As we navigate this season of change, remember that every change brings opportunities for growth. Together, we can help each other reach our high expectations. 

    Class Updates

    Fundamental/Essential Math classes have been working on our 2D Geometry Unit. We’ve learned vocabulary related to geometry and completed a mini unit on telling time on analog clocks! Next, we will begin working with area and perimeter of shapes to prepare for our final project of creating a floor plan for our dream house!

    Consumer/Practical Math class just finished our unit on unit rates and prices. We are just beginning our unit on Income Taxes. After this unit, students will know how to file taxes for the first time!

    Advisory has been continuing to focus on Social Emotional Learning. We have discussed the Balancing Act of Beliefs, Values, and Boundaries; how to deal with Bullying and Harassment; how to use Self-Care to Improve Focus; and how our Values are related to our Passions. Next, we will be discussing topics like Collective Goals, Empathy and Social Change, Accepting Emotions, and Understanding Respect.


    Important Dates for November:

    11/5: Election Day- NO SCHOOL

    11/11: Veteran’s Day- NO SCHOOL

    11/15: Progress Reports for Q2

    11/25-11/29: Thanksgiving (Fall) Break- NO SCHOOL

October Monthly Update

  • I can’t believe the first quarter is almost over! Quarter 2 begins on October 14. 


    Class Updates 

    Fundamental/Essential Math classes have been working on our first unit, which included reviewing properties of operations and mental math strategies. Next, we will begin our unit on 2D geometry! 

    Consumer/Practical Math class has been working on determining percent increase or decrease and learning when that calculation is used in real life scenarios. Next, we will begin working with Unit Prices. 

    Advisory has been continuing to focus on Social Emotional Learning. We have discussed Positive Mindset in learning, the benefits of Cooperation, and how Self-Control helps Resilience. Next, we will be taking a personality test to find our strengths and weaknesses, then continuing to discuss topics like self-care, social awareness, focus, and values. 


    Important Dates for October: 

    10/10: End of Q1 

    10/11: No School (Professional Development for Teachers) 

    10/14: Start of Q2 

    10/14-10/17: Parent-Teacher Conferences will be scheduled this week (be on the lookout for an email!) 

    10/18: No School 



September Monthly Update

  • Wow! What a great first week of school!

    Just a reminder, classes start at 7:20 AM!

    Laptops require a parent signature. If you are unable to come, in person, to the school, you can use this QR code or the link below to sign up!

    A sign with a qr code and a computerDescription automatically generated

    Sign Now


    Important Dates for September:

    9/2: No School (Labor Day)

    9/20: No School (Professional Development for Teachers)

    STAR testing will be scheduled for Math and Reading this month!

August Monthly Update

  • Welcome back students! 

    I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are ready to be back in school! 

    School starts Monday, August 19, bright and early at 7:20 AM! 

    Roosevelt has a new bell schedule this year- don't be late! 


    Important Dates for August: 

    8/19 - First Day of School 

    8/30 - Activity Schedule 

    STAR testing will be scheduled for Math and Reading this month!