September Monthly Update

  • Wow! What a great first week of school!

    Just a reminder, classes start at 7:20 AM!

    Laptops require a parent signature. If you are unable to come, in person, to the school, you can use this QR code or the link below to sign up!

    A sign with a qr code and a computerDescription automatically generated

    Sign Now


    Important Dates for September:

    9/2: No School (Labor Day)

    9/20: No School (Professional Development for Teachers)

    STAR testing will be scheduled for Math and Reading this month!

August Monthly Update

  • Welcome back students! 

    I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are ready to be back in school! 

    School starts Monday, August 19, bright and early at 7:20 AM! 

    Roosevelt has a new bell schedule this year- don't be late! 


    Important Dates for August: 

    8/19 - First Day of School 

    8/30 - Activity Schedule 

    STAR testing will be scheduled for Math and Reading this month!