

Degrees and Certifications:

MA Webster University, Studio Art, Sculpture MFA Fontbonne University, Studio Art, Painting BFA Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Studio Art, Painting AA St Louis Community College Florissant Valley, Studio Art, Transfer

Mr. Paradise

WELCOME BACK - 2024-2025
Hello, I'm Mr Paradise, and this is my 25th year teaching art at Roosevelt High School. Since all students are required to take at least one art class, I get the chance to meet many of our students. I teach Introduction to Art, Drawing and Painting, Advanced Placement Studio Art, and Ceramics. I am very proud that Roosevelt students represent fantastically in the SLPS District wide art contests that we participate in. I am a St. Louis local, growing up in north county, and I have been living in south city since 1995. I enjoy being an artist and developing my creativity. I have an extensive exhibition record. I love working with Roosevelt students and facilitating their creative adventures. I'm excited to start the new school year and looking forward to seeing past students again and meeting new students.