

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Dean Stocking

RHS Student Government:

Being a part of RHS Student Government provides you with a unique opportunity to grow as a person.

Not only do you get to advocate for your student body and pursue causes you’re passionate about, but you also get the chance to learn from others and develop skills that will help you in both academic, personal, and professional settings.

Here are Five reasons to join RHS Student Government:

  1. Soft skills and personal development- (RHS Student Government truly gives you the opportunity to foster skills like leadership, communication, teamwork, organization, and public speaking). 
  2. Expand your resume- (Choosing what to include on your résumé can be difficult, especially if you don’t have a lot of work or volunteer experience. Lucky for you, a student council position looks great).
  3. Hands-on Experience in a safe place- (Great benefit of RHS Student Government is that you’re gaining super relevant experience. Believe it or not, a lot of the organizing and event planning).
  4. Network opportunities- (RHS Student Government creates an environment where individuals from your high school meet regularly to collaborate on student-led initiatives. This is what networking is all about – sharing your thoughts and opinions and learning from others).
  5. Learning to be an advocate- (By joining your high school’s student government, you’re elected by your fellow students to be their voice on a matter you’re passionate about. This is a great opportunity to better understand how inequalities affect different individuals and groups and have a chance to do something about it).