
    • Room: 200
    • Grade/Subject: 7th Grade World Geography & Culture
    • Building Phone: 314-231-0413
    • Planning Period: 2nd Period 
    • Availability: 09:05am-10:05am
    • Email: Jawanza.Avant@slps.org

    This is my 3rd year at Carr Lane Visual Performing Arts Middle School!

    I am a dedicated and passionate educator committed to my scholars' academic and personal development. With my strong educational foundation, I am excelling as a student at Walden University, continuing to enhance my knowledge and skills, ensuring that I am at the forefront of educational best practices.

    I am profoundly dedicated to fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment. Every student has the potential to succeed when given the right support and guidance. I strive to inspire a love of learning in my scholars, encouraging them to explore their interests and reach their full potential.

    With a clear vision for the future and a strong commitment to the success of my students, I will continue to make a meaningful impact in the field of education. My dedication to fostering a supportive and enriching learning environment makes me a valuable asset to any educational community.

    Here at Carr Lane VPA- I am the student council coordinator.

    I am the Head JV Girls' Volleyball Coach at McKinley High School and the Girl's Track Coach at McKinley High School.

    I am a member of Phi Sigma Pi Honors Fraternity.

    My favorite colors are Purple and Gold.

    My favorite food is pasta.

    I love to travel and explore new opportunities.


    7th Grade World Geography Syllabus 2024-2025 :

    Welcome back, parents and students, to Carr Lane Visual Performing Arts Middle School!  I am excited about beginning the 2024-2025 school year with Carr Lane. This is my 3rd year teaching at Carr Lane, and I look forward to making this year the best one ever!  The 7th grade Social Studies curriculum covers World Geography and culture. Crucial historical concepts will be embedded in engaging lessons for students to develop understanding and skills as they explore the learning individually, in a group, or with a class.

    We will use various resources in our class, including Geography, Economics, Civics, and History. You will be issued a US History textbook.


    Call me @ (314) 231-0413


    Email me @ Jawanza.Avant@slps.org.


    Check the classroom website @ Avant, Jawanza -- 7th Grade Social Studies / Meet the Teacher (slps.org)


    Visit me @ school from 09:00 AM -10:00 AM (please make an appointment one day in advance)


    Educationally Yours,

    Jawanza D. Avant


    Grades will come from various student activities and evaluations: chapter and unit tests, projects, participation, notebook checks, homework, and exams. Late homework will not gain full points.

    Homework is due for the next class. Homework will be posted on the class website, written on the board, and stated in class.


    When a student is absent, even for one day, the student must inquire about missed assignments or turn in homework. If a test is missed, the student must schedule a time to make up the test.  If you are absent for more than a few days, contact the office so that assignments can be collected for you to pick up. This will prevent you from falling behind. It is in the student's best interest to make up all the work after returning from an absence as soon as possible. 


    Parents and students can monitor all grades through the Parent & Student Portal. Through the parent and student portal, you can view your child's school information (district calendar, class schedule, attendance, and grades) from anywhere you have internet access. The SLPS Parent Portal is located at www.sis.slps.org



    Introduction: This interactive notebook aims to enable you to be a creative, independent thinker and writer. Interactive notebooks will be used for class notes and other activities where you will be asked to express your ideas and process the information presented by this class. Notebooks will be organized in this way:

    Left Side

    Right Side

    Students Process New Ideas

    Teacher Provides New Information

    *Reorganize new info into creative formats

    *Class notes

    *Express opinions and feelings

    *Discussion notes

    *Explore new ideas

    *Reading notes


    *Handouts with new info

    Grading: Notebooks will be collected and graded every term. Notebooks will be graded on thoroughness, quality, organization, and visual appeal. Students are responsible for obtaining assignments when absent.

    *** Your notebook will be the primary source for studying and completing assignments.  Keep it well organized. 









    The classroom website is at Avant, Jawanza -- 7th Grade Social Studies / Meet the Teacher (slps.org). Assignments, test dates, and daily homework will be included on the website. Helpful links and resources will also be available to prepare for standardized testing.



    You will be issued a textbook to use when you are in class.