•  Carr Lane VPA Middle School



    Q:        What are school hours?       

    A:         The first day of school is Wednesday, August 16, 2017. School office hours are Monday – Friday 6:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.  The instructional day is 7:10 a.m. – 2:07 p.m. Early Drop Off and Breakfast is at 6:30 a.m. Students are not allowed on the premises before 6:30 a.m.  When a child arrives more than 15 minutes after the beginning of the school day (7:25 a.m.), the parent is required to accompany the student into the building. There is not a Late Pick Up option. All students must board the bus or be picked up by 2:07 p.m. unless involved in an authorized after school activity. Siblings will not be allowed to remain after school to wait for another sibling.

    Q:        Where can I drop off/pick up my child?

    A:         All students should be dropped off in the rear of the building at door #10 from 6:30 a.m. – 7:00 a.m. Students reporting after 7:00 a.m. should enter through the main door (#1) at the corner of Cole and Jefferson. The school day ends at 2:07 p.m. All cab riders, parent pickups, and walkers will exit out of door #10 in the rear of the building

    Q:        What forms do I need on file for the school year?

    A:         Proof of residency, current immunization record, student code of conduct affidavit, media release form, authorization for pick up form, and a parent portal form if the parent wants to view or receive information electronically. All forms are available in the school’s office.

    Q:        What is the uniform policy? (Please refer to the school website for the full policy.)

    A:         Students are to wear the school uniform Monday through Friday. The uniform consists of khaki or black bottoms. Leggings, jeggings, stretch pants, jeans, items with holes or items above the knee are not allowed. The uniform tops consist of purple, white or black collar shirts (without graphics). Shorts may be worn from May 1- October 1, 2017. Shorts or skirts must be below the knees.

    Q:        How do I report an Early Dismal?

    A:         Any early dismissal requires a parent to sign the student out in the office. If the parent will not be the one to pick up the student, then the parent must phone the school with the name of the person who will be picking up the student before 1pm. Any person picking up a student must be 18 years of age or older and must be on the child's Authorization to Release form - NO EXCEPTIONS! Must have valid ID. 

    Q:        How do I report my child’s absence?

    A:         Each absence must be documented with a telephone call (314-231-0413) and a written statement from the parent/guardian or physician as appropriate.


    Q:        What do I need to do if I need to speak with my child’s teacher?

    A:         Parents/Legal Guardians should contact the Family Community Specialist (314-231-0413) to set up an appointment. Teachers can also be reached via email. A message for your child’s teacher can be left with the office. All adults entering the building must have valid picture identification.  

    Q:        What is the process for allowing my child to leave the building with another child’s parent or to ride a different bus for the day?

    A:         Students will only be allowed to leave the building with adults listed on their authorization for pick up form/emergency contact. If your child plans to ride a different bus, then the school will need written permission from both the child’s parent and the parent of the child that the student plans to visit. This written authorization must be received by the school office no later than 12:00 p.m. on the day of request.

    Q:        When will my child receive a grade report?

    A:         All students will receive a grade report every five (5) weeks. Progress reports and report cards will be available on the Parent Portal. All parents will need to complete a Parent Portal Form if they want to view or receive information electronically.

    Q:        Can my child bring electronic devices to school?

    A:         No electronic devices are to be brought to the school in accordance with SLPS district guidelines. Electronics that disrupts instruction will be confiscated and may only be picked up by the parent/guardian after 2:30 p.m. Neither the school nor any of its staff members are responsible in any way for confiscated items in the event they are lost or stolen while on school property.

    Q:        How much is breakfast and lunch?

    A:         All students will receive a free breakfast (6:30 a.m. - 7:00 a.m.) and a free lunch without having to complete a Family Application for Meal Benefits.

    Q:        Can I bring treats for my child’s birthday?

    A:         Treats, food items, balloons, etc. for student birthdays will not be permitted at Carr Lane for the 2017-2018 school year.