• Carr Lane Visual and Performing Arts Middle School


    Carr Lane Visual and Performing Arts Middle School strives to provide a quality learning environment that ensures student success through the integration of the Arts and Academics.


    Carr Lane Visual and Performing Arts Middle School will be a high quality educational program for students in grades 6-8 that develops the whole person through a curriculum that integrates the visual and performing arts and rigorous academics. We aim to develop the students academically, artistically and socially to become independent, cooperative, responsible and creative learners with a lifelong appreciation for the arts. We believe that these skills and qualities will prepare our students to pursue further educational goals.

    Our vision is based on the following beliefs:

    ·       A strong academic program supports the artistic potential of our students.

    ·       The best discipline comes from a commitment to shared goals.

    ·       The visual and performing arts encourage working in a creative, cooperative and collaborative manner while promoting independent thinking.

    ·       Students learn best in a participative and creative environment within a framework of high standards in teaching and learning.

    ·       Students need an understanding of, and access to, developing technologies in order to encourage participation and leadership in a technologically developing society.