Phone: 314-231-0413


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's of Science in Criminal Justice Master's of Education with Emphasis in Special EDU Master's of Business and Administration

Mrs. Chaquita Williams

Hello Students,  

This is an interesting time in our nation. We have transitioned back to in-person learning; things are opening up and we are  adjusting to our new norm! Now starting my third year of teaching at Carr Lane Middle School, I enjoy working with my students, their parents, and my professional colleagues to ensure that all our learners have the opportunity for academic success.... I am the Special Education Team Lead in charge of special education services in the building and the 8th Grade Resource Teacher.
In my free time I enjoy shopping,traveling, and  spending time with my friends and family. I look forward to working with you and your students this school year.
I know that you all are extremely excited about the beginning of our new school year and I look forward to being your teacher.  I am here to support you in your learning.
Stay safe and healthy!