• Carr Lane Visual Performing Arts Middle School

    Piano Syllabus 

    Michelle A. Williams, Piano Instructor

    Welcome to Piano at Carr Lane VPA middle school.  I am excited about the possibilities that await us this year!  We will learn the basics of piano and continue to move higher to an intermediate level of playing.  We will learn to play in diverse styles, how to read music, and how to be effective and confident musicians and performers.


    • Learn different types of music literature
    • Learn beginning sight reading through the intermediate level.
    • Learn correct playing techniques for the soloist and ensemble groups
    • Demonstrate correct playing skills through performances in school and in the community
    • Learn about Arts and Humanities topics integrated through the music curriculum

    Expectations of Piano Students:

    • Members of this class are expected to attend concerts, and behave in a way that is appropriate when preparing for a performance, during rehearsals, or class time.
    • Students will be assessed at the piano every class with the teacher and how they work independently at their keyboards.
    • Students are expected to behave in accordance with school policy during school hours and at every performance, field trip, or after school events
    • Students are expected to treat each other and their director with the utmost respect
    • All piano students are required to play in the school piano recitals. Piano is a performance oriented class and students are expected to attend every recital unless sickness, death in the family, or another emergency prevents their attendance (must be documented by doctor or parent notes)
    • Students are expected to be responsible for completing make-up work for excused absences. Performances make up 50% of the student’s music grade.  Students who do not present the director with the appropriate documentation or make up work will receive a grade of “0.”
    • Students are expected to participate equally in rehearsals and performances with other classmates according to their level of playing
    • Students are expected to respect the property of other students and the teacher

    Dress attire for concerts:

              1.   Students are to wear nice dress clothing for recitals.

    Grading Policy:

    • Piano Recital = 50%
    • Theory/Arts and Humanities/ sight reading = 25%
    • Performance Practice Skills = 25%