• Second Step Resources for Educators and Families

    Second Step Resources for Educators and Families

    Activities freely available online
    adaptable for remote learning or
    for families to do at home with their
    children. Social-Emotional
    Passport, The Imagine
    Neighborhood, and Mind Yeti.

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  • CASEL SEL 101 Informational Video for Parents

    CASEL SEL 101 Informational Video for Parents

    An informational video by CASEL
    and Chicago Public Schools for
    parents on social and emotional
    learning (SEL). The video aims to
    inform parents on SEL in schools
    and provide them with insights on
    SEL in their own parenting
    practices in order to support their
    children's social and emotional

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  • Helping Children Cope with Changes

    Helping Children Cope with Changes

    NASP Families across the country
    are adapting to the evolving
    changes in daily life caused by the
    COVID-19 pandemic. Most schools,
    places of public gathering, and
    nonessential businesses are closed,
    and parents and other caregivers
    are faced with helping their
    families adjust to the new normal.
    This includes trying to keep
    children occupied, feeling safe,
    and attempting to keep up with
    schoolwork as best as possible.
    None of this easy, but it helps to
    stay focused on what is possible in
    order to reinforce a sense of
    control and to reassure children
    that they are okay, and that the
    situation will get better.

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  • Social-Emotional Development Parent Toolkit

    Social-Emotional Development Parent Toolkit

    Parent Toolkit is a one-stop
    resource developed with parents in
    mind. It’s produced by NBC
    News Learn and supported by
    Pearson and includes information
    about almost every aspect of your
    child’s development.

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  • How to Support Learning at Home

    How to Support Learning at Home

    Parents, families and home
    guardians play
    a critical role in learning at home.
    Because no two families are alike,
    families can support their children
    in a variety of ways

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