• Gateway Middle School 2024-2025 Acceptable Cell Phone Use Policy

    Cell Phone and Personal Electronic Devices Policy

    To limit all non-instructional cell phone distractions and improve student achievement, Gateway Math, Science, and Technology Middle School will begin a zero-tolerance cell phone, headphones, and ear buds practice during instructional time. Instructional devices that are permitted are either district provided tablets, laptops, or headphones used for instructional purposes with the permission of the teacher.

    All student cell phones must be placed in a carrier at the beginning of homeroom. If a student is late to school, they must turn in their cell phone to their appropriate homeroom teacher. Cell phones will be returned to the students at the end of the school day, during their 5th period class. All emergency and transportation calls, or messages that need to be shared with the student may be done by calling the school at 314-241-2295. If a student needs to call home for any reason, they will be able to use one of the phones in the office with permission from a staff member.

    Students may use their cell phones before and after school to confirm transportation arrangements with parents, play academic-oriented games, or view school/age-appropriate videos. Students may not use their phones or devices to access and use any social media at any time while on campus, including before and after school. Students may not use their phone to take photos or videos at any time while they are on campus, including before and after school. The above act is considered a severe violation and will be considered the fifth infraction.


    Cell Phone Policy Purpose

    Gateway Math, Science, and Technology Middle School aims to create a conducive learning environment, promote student safety, minimize distractions, and foster responsible use of technology. This detailed cell phone policy aims to achieve:


    Minimize Distractions

    Cell phones can be a significant distraction in the classroom, disrupting the learning process for students and teachers. A cell phone policy minimizes distractions by restricting or regulating usage during instructional time.


    Promote Focus and Engagement

    By limiting cell phone use during class, Gateway Math, Science, and Technology Middle School can encourage students to focus on their studies, participate actively in class discussions, and engage more deeply with the learning materials.


    Enhance Student Safety

    Cell phones can be used for emergency communication, but they can also pose safety risks if misused or if inappropriate content is accessed during school hours. A cell phone policy may include guidelines for using cell phones in emergencies while addressing concerns about cyberbullying, sexting, and other safety issues. 


    Foster Responsible Digital Citizenship

    Cell phone policies can help teach students about responsible digital citizenship and appropriate technology use. Gateway Math, Science, and Technology Middle School will help students develop healthy habits and respect for technology boundaries by establishing clear guidelines and consequences for cell phone use.

    Gateway Math, Science, and Technology Middle School’s cell phone policy aims to create a balance approach that recognizes the potential benefits of technology while also addressing the challenges and distractions that cell phones can present in the educational setting.



    First Infraction: Verbal Warning from the teacher. The teacher will keep the cell phone and call home to notify the parent/guardian (document communication in parent contact log).  Students may pick up their cell phone from the teacher at the end of the school day.

    Second Infraction: Private teacher conference with student (brief) to redirect behavior. The teacher will call home to notify the parent/guardian (document communication in parent contact log). Students may pick up their cell phone in the front office at the end of the school day.

    Third Infraction: Administration will call to inform the parent/guardian. The parent/guardian (not the student) will need to pick up the cell phone from the front office at the end of the school day.

    Fourth Infraction: Meeting with Grade Level Team Leader, Administrator, and Parent to address behavioral concerns. Every morning, students will turn their cell phone into an office staff member for the remainder of the quarter or semester. Students may pick up their cell phone in the front office at the end of each school day.

    Fifth Infraction: Administrator Assigned Consequence (In-School/Out-of-School Suspension)

    Infractions will start over at the beginning of each semester