

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Percy Young

Attended Saint Louis Public Schools-Ashland Elementary School=1963-1971-Herzog Elementary-1971-1972-Northwest High school-1973-1977-Undergraduate degree 1985- from Harris State college Bachelor of science-Life Time Certification in Middle school Science-4-8-Life time in Elementary Education-General Science-Life time certification in High School. Masters degree from Webser university. Furthemore-Started teaching in 1985-2015-Rockwood School District-Classes taught-Gifted life and earth science classes7th and 8th grade-alos taught General and Physical Science-9th-12th in all four high schools in rockwood -Eureka-Rockwod Summit-Lafayette and Marquette.

Awards-Salute to excellence award-2011-Tools for Teaching award 2015-currently science teacher at Carr Lane Visual Performing-7th grade 

Virtual Learning

Mr. Young's email

Contact time-10:00am-12.00

First day of School Agenda:

Introduction-Mr.Darnell Young/ Tools for Teaching Video- Mr Young.

Rules gone over in class-Virtual

Grading Scale

1. Homework- 10%

2. Test/Assesment-15%

3. Classwork-45-%

4. Labs 10%

5.Projects 15%

6.Do Now-5%

Inrroduction- Common lab Equipment

Syllabus gone over in Class.

How does Chess relate to science.

Apply crosscutting concepts to chess

Apply science process skills to chess-analyzing-observations-predicting-hypothesis-drawing an conclusion-etc,


Textbook-HMH Science Dimensions-Chemistry-Orange book Modulle-J

Unit 1-The Structure of Matter

Lesson 1-The Properties of Matter

Lesson-2-Atoms and Elements

Lesson-3-Molecules and Extended Structures Structures


Unit 2 States of Matter and Changes of State

Lesson-1-States of Matter

Lesson 2 Changes of State

Unit 3 Chemical Processes and Equations

Lesson 1 Chemical Reactions

Lesson 2 Chemical Equations

Lesson 3 Engineer It: Thermal Energy and Chemical Processes

Unit 4

The Chemistry of Materials

Lesson 1

Natural and Synthetic Materials

Lesson 2 EngineerIt. The Life Cycle of Synthetic Materials