- Carr Lane VPA Middle School
- About Teacher
Parisi, Anissa (6th Grade Science)
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Name: Anissa ParisiRoom Number: 303Grade/Subject: 6th Grade General ScienceBuilding Phone: 314-231-0413Planning Period: 4th periodAvailability: M-F: 12:30 p.m.-1:15 p.m.Hello to all the 6th grade students and parents 😊My name is Anissa Parisi. I enjoy reading true crime stories and biographies. I attended Webster University and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology with a minor in Mathematics. I received my middle school certification for grade 5-9 in general science. I have been working at Carr Lane VPA since April 2000; first in the capacity of teacher assistant and then as a classroom educator. I have been teaching science in the classroom since 2005-all three grade levels along with gifted science.Teacher Message:
"Get Smart Through The Arts!" Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Carr Lane VPA Middle. As the 6th grade science teacher, I am eager to help students master the skills necessary for academic achievement. I will be teaching grade six in the area of general science. It is my goal to follow the SLPS curriculum for science closely so that all State and National Standards are mastered. During this school year, each student will master the scientific inquiry by performing various laboratory activities associated with the curriculum. All students will learn science safety while in the laboratory.
Course Syllabus
Grade 6: Students will learn science through lectures and inquiry. The topics covered in sixth grade science are as follows:
- OpenSciEd: Light & Matter
- OpenSciEd: Thermal Energy
- OpenSciEd: Weather, Climate, and Water Cycling
- OpenSciEd: Plate Tectonics and Rock Cycling
- OpenSciEd: Natural Hazards
- OpenSciEd: Cells & Systems
Presenters, films, and visual aids will be incorporated into classroom instruction.
Each student must be responsible for keeping the following materials with them:
- Spiral Notebook (Journaling, Do-Now activities)-to be kept in the classroom
- Ruler/Calculator
- Pencils ONLY
- Hand-held pencil sharpener
Donations of the following items will be appreciated:
- Hand Sanitizer
- Tissue
- Expo Markers
- Paper Towels/Wipes
Homework Policy
Homework will be given every night as a review of the day's lesson. The homework assignments can only be made up if the student has an excused absence. It is the student's responsibility to obtain any make-up work from the teacher upon their return to class. Good attendance is encouraged, as not all laboratory experiments can be made up.
Students MUST raise their hands and wait to be called on before speaking.
Students MUST follow lab safety rules at all times, those posted in class or given verbally.
Students MUST come to class on time and prepared to work.
Students' grades will be based on the following criteria:
§ Class work = 50%
§ Homework = 10%
§ Test = 25%
§ Participation = 15%
Point values will be determined by teacher for each assignment.Rewards/Consequences for Rules
Rewards Consequences
Verbal Praise Verbal Warning
Visit Library Parental phone call/meeting
Computer Science Games Omission from lab activities
Homework/Test Question Coupon Referral to Counselor/Administration