

                                         School Nurse FROM THE SCHOOL NURSE      

       Dear Stix Families,

     I will be the School Nurse at Stix ECC and would like to welcome all the students and parents. I look forward to taking care of your child for the 2024-2025 school year. To ensure your child’s health and safety, I would like to share some information with you.


    ·         If your child will need to take prescribed or over-the-counter medication at school, click here to see the required documents.

    ·         NO child should carry PRESCRIPTION OR OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS to school. An adult will be asked to pick up the medication.

    ·         If you administer medication to your child before he/she comes to school, which could affect their performance, please send a note to the teacher.


    ·          Students will have their vision and hearing checked during the school year, and you will be notified if further testing is needed.

    ·          Dental Exam consent forms will be sent out during the school year for all grades.


    ·         You will be notified during the school year if your child needs an immunization.

           Vaccinations are required for all students in the state of Missouri. 

           Link to Vaccine Resources


    ·        Students should remain home for a temperature of 100.4 or above and can return when they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.

    ·       Pink Eye: Please keep your child home if their eye/s are red/pink, have excessive drainage, are painful, itching or swollen. Students should see their doctor to rule out bacterial conjunctivitis and get a doctor's note before returning to school.

    ·       Rashes: Please keep your child home if they have a rash accompanied by a fever, not acting like themselves (tired, fussy), if the rash covers large areas on the body, or if the rash is leaking fluid that cannot be contained. Students should see their doctor to rule out contagious rashes and get a doctor's note before returning to school.

    ·       Diarrhea: Students should remain home until free of diarrhea for 12 hours. Diarrhea is defined by the American Academy of Pediatrics as two or more watery or very loose stools that occur suddenly. 

    ·      Vomiting: Students should remain home until free of vomiting for 24 hours and able to eat/drink.

                           Students should remain home for vomiting if:

                                a) Vomiting more than once, with or without the presence of a fever.

                                b) Continue to feel ill after vomiting. Not able to participate in school.

                                c) Not eating or drinking or they vomit after eating or drinking.

    ·      Difficulty Breathing/Severe coughing: Child should see their doctor and remain home for difficulty breathing, deep coughs, and coughs that are frequent or constant. Students can return when the cough is better or the student is cleared by the doctor to return to school.

    Please provide doctor's, dentist, etc... notes to the school anytime your child is seen.

    I hope everyone has a safe and healthy school year. Please let me know if I can be of any help throughout the school year.