• Dear Stix Families,

    First I want to welcome all of our students and families to our second quarter of the school year! The quarter begins on Monday, October 19th. Although we would like to have all of our students back in the building, we know that it is not currently possible. Many of our families have chosen to continue with 100% virtual learning, yet many more have requested for their child to return to the building.  In order to keep everyone healthy, and maintain safety measures for all, Stix will be following an AB Day schedule with a hybrid teaching model. I hope this letter helps answer questions you have at this time about this change.

    Stix will now follow an A/B Schedule:

    • Students will be divided into “A” Group or “B” Group. These groupings will take into consideration siblings and family members who share a household.
    • Students in the A Group will attend school, IN PERSON, on Mondays and Thursdays. They will receive virtual teaching on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
    • Students in the B Group will attend school, IN PERSON, on Tuesdays and Fridays. They will receive virtual teaching on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
    • You will be notified of the days your child is to attend.
    • Parents who chose to have their children remain in virtual learning for the 2nd quarter, will continue to receive all lessons via the virtual format.

    School Bell Times:

    • We will return to our starting school time at 9:10 am for students.
      • Parents who choose to drop off their children will utilize our drop off lane in the parking lot beginning at 9:00am. Parents will no longer be entering the building during arrival time.
      • All children will have breakfast served in their classrooms
    • The students’ day will end at 3:07pm
      • After-care (Bear Care) will be available for parents. There is a monthly fee for this service.
      • Parents who choose to pick up their children will utilize the pickup lane on the parking lot. Parents will no longer enter the building at pickup time.

    Safety and Health Measures:

    • Everyone’s temperature will be taken upon their entry into the building.
    • Everyone will wear masks while in the building.
    • Classrooms will not have more than 12 children at one time.
    • Recess will be limited to one or two classes, and the playgrounds will be divided so children do not mix with another group.
    • Children will utilize the classroom sinks to ensure they wash their hands frequently throughout the day.
    • Students will have all meals in their classrooms and they will not be mixed in large groups for recess or specialist classes.
    • Hallways and classrooms will have markings so children remember to keep distance when in lines or moving throughout the hallway.
    • Custodial staff will conduct cleaning protocols that have been created for the pandemic.
    • When possible, we will conduct parent meetings using the Zoom platform. If parents or visitors need to access the building, we will be requesting they make an appointment. Upon arrival to the building, they will have to complete the health screening (temperature and questions) and wear a mask the entire time they are in the building.

    All parents will receive a survey so we can effectively plan for our students’ arrival on October 19th. Please be sure to watch your email for the survey.  If you have additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 533-0874.