• Huddleston Ms. Huddleston


    I am a P.E. teacher at Stix Early Childhood Center. It brings me great joy to introduce concepts and support students as they grow in their physical fitness and health education. It is my hope all students will engage, learn, and bring with them the benefits of physical activity and making good health choices for longevity. These goals can be accomplish through actively participating in current, fun, and developmentally appropriate activities while in P.E. class. Lace up your favorite tennis shoes and join us in the virtual P.E. class! I look forward to learning and growing with you! 

    Sincerely~Ms. Huddleston



    I look forward to seeing you in our virtual P.E. classes! I am always available for questions or comments at wendy.huddleston@slps.org


           Boy with Ball                   Jump        Race Soccer
Last Modified on September 17, 2020