• Welcome to Stix ECC Principal's Corner

    Nurturing Young Learners!

    A photo of Dr. Dymond wearing glasses and smiling


    Dear Parents and Guardians,


    Welcome to the School Year 2024/2025. 

    Welcome to our new families! We are honored that you have chosen Stix for your child’s early school years and hope that you take opportunities to become involved in volunteering, PTO, and communicating regularly with your child’s teacher.

    Welcome to our returning families! We are pleased that you are continuing to send your child to Stix and partnering with us in the coming school year.

    First Day of School:  Monday, August 19, 2024

    Daily Attendance

    We need all students at school, every day, on time. It is extremely important that your child begins the day with his/her classroom teacher. Absences for vacations will not be considered as excused absences [SLPS] and as such will be handled according to the excessive absence policy P5118. Excessive absences and excessive late arrivals have negative effects on your child’s academic and social growth. Please work with us to ensure your child arrives on time, every day!

    School Uniform Policy

    The current student uniform policy for Stix is: Shorts, pants, skirts and jumpers in:   black, tan or navy.

    Shirts with collars, no emblems (except for Stix emblems/logos) solid colors in:  white, red, blue, yellow and green.  Stix wear (t-shirts) are always acceptable to wear – we hope to have a “Stix Wear Sale” sometime in the fall. If purchasing uniform items for your child is financially challenging, please contact your child’s teacher or our Family and Community Specialist at 533-0874 for help.

    Student Arrivals

    Arrival time starts at 9:00 am. If you are bringing your child to school, you will need to follow the directions from the staff, who are stationed on the parking lot to direct all cars in the proper direction. We try our best to keep traffic flowing on Tower Grove and the parking lot.

    Please adhere to the ‘No Left Turn’ when leaving our parking lot. Making only a right turn also helps with traffic flow.


    Student Dismissal

    If you need to change your child’s transportation on any given day, you will need to communicate the change to your child’s teacher in advance and also contact the front office. We do not take transportation changes from children.  Please call the front office before 3pm (314-533-0874). We must have changes by 3pm in order to ensure the safety of all children and that all staff are made aware of the changes. In order to ensure a safe and orderly dismissal, we cannot make changes after 3pm, except in emergency situations.


    Cell Phones

    We are requesting that parents DO NOT USE cell phones while driving on the parking lot or while on the school premises. Thank you for respecting the environment we are striving to establish in our school. Children are not to bring cell phones to school.


    No Soda or Chips for Lunch!

    Together with the district, we are trying to help establish healthy eating habits for our children.  Breakfasts and lunches are well-rounded meals that include vegetables and fruits.  If your child receives a school lunch, please do not send additional foods such as chips, fruit drinks or soda.  If you pack your child’s lunch, please do not include large bags of chips or any kind of soda.  


    Dr. Diane Dymond


    Stix ECC

    Office:  (314) 533-0874

    Fax:  (314) 244-1909
