• 3rd Quarter Restart Survey Distributed December 7, 2020

    The St. Louis Public School District is committed to ensuring that student learning continues during the current COVID-19 Pandemic. In order to properly plan and allocate fiscal and personnel resources for the upcoming 3rd quarter, the District is asking parents to select from one of two enrollment options by Tuesday, December 15th at 5:00. Once an enrollment selection is made and instruction begins, student will remain in the enrollment option selected for the balance of 3rd quarter. If no selection is made students will be assigned to option 2. Please complete one form for each of your students enrolled at St. Louis Public Schools. Those options are: 1) in-class room instruction at a bricks and mortar school site; 2) virtual instruction via Microsoft Teams/Zoom type video instruction utilizing District teachers and curriculum

    Please copy the URL link into your web browser to access the form if unable to click on the link.
