• Dear Parents,

    Welcome to the new school year, 2024-2025 where we are “Wild About Reading And Character!” When you come to our building this year you will see that lots of work occurred over the summer. Our interior walls were painted, ‘pops’ of color were added throughout the building and the floors seem to have an extra ‘sparkle’! We are ready for our students to join during this school year as we foster and develop each child’s talents. #Talentunleashed

    Along with the district, our priority is to ensure each child’s safety while learning every day of the school year. To help ensure everyone’s safety all visitors will continue to sign-in at the front office and be issued a visitor’s pass while in the building. If you need to meet with your child’s teacher, please communicate directly with the teacher to find an agreeable time for you, while also honoring the teaching and learning that needs to occur in the classroom.

    We will have various opportunities for you to be engaged in your child’s education. From Literacy Night, Math and Science Night, Parent Conferences, to Kids Invite Someone Special (KISS) you, or members of your family, will be invited to learn along with your child while learning ways to support your child.

    It will be a great year to be a Stix Bear!


    Diane Dymond, Ed.D