• Classroom Challenges

    Classes will choose a book and complete a project to be displayed in the library or somewhere in the school. 


  • October

    Pick a book as a class that is Fall/Halloween themed.

    As a class, decorate a pumpkin to match the theme of your book!

    Students will vote on their favorite pumpkin. The winning class will win a special party!

    Image result for book themed pumpkin

  • December

    As a class, pick a winter themed book.

    Make a diaroma to represent your book!

    Students will vote on their favorite diaroma. The winning class will win a special party!  

    Image result for winter diorama

  • February

    As a class, choose a book about a famous person, event, or place in Black History.

    Create a quilt patch representing your choice.

    All classes participating will receive a special treat!  

    10 Black History Month Activities for Your Classroom - The Owl Teacher

  • April

    As a class, choose a spring themed book.

    Be creative and make a project of your choice to represent your book!

    Students will vote on their favorite project. The winning class will win a special party!  

    Image result for spring classroom project

Last Modified on August 12, 2022