Phone: 3147766040n ext.46528


Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Antony Perkins

Hello Parents and Guardians my name is Antony Perkins and I am yoiur Family and Community Specialist here at Roosevelt I have been at Roosevelt for 9 years in various capacities starting with Urban Future and Boys and Girls Club to now FCS which I have been in this role for going on 5 years. I am very excited about working with you for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year.

I will be instrumental in coordinating efforts to faciitate parental and community involvement, assist the school in efforts to improve student attendance and student achievement basically working as your liaison between the school and community to keep you informed on Title 1 policies. My goal for this school year is to have at least 90% attendance for our entire school community, parent participation in monthly meetings, Title 1 meetings, and communicate as needed with parent/families of identified students via phone calls, emails and home visits, meet regulary with our principal to determine quality and needs related to family and community involement.

I will work collaborartively with our principal and and our building team to provide assistance to parents in understanding school/ district/ Title 1 policies and procedures as it relates to attendance, student behsavior, and student achievement. Please fell free to reach out to me at any time.