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weekly lesson post

  • Ms. Stevenson and I use the Conscious Discipline methods with our students and to keep it simple, we practice the Golden Rule, treat others as you would like to be treated, and when your feelings are escalting or out of control take a few moments, and a little space with 3 deep breaths to calm down.  Our students really enjpy the deep breathing.  The majority of our students being 3 year olds, we spend a lot of time working on learning how the school day looks,  expectation and routines to learn and follow, and along with this comes safety being a priority.  We all function better when we feel safe.  We tell our learners, it is our job to keep you safe, and your job to help us to that.

    And of course those important fundational basics, reading, writing and math, and we are a science oriented school as well, being fortunate to have our own garden and Botanical Garden across the way - we start with pre-academic skills that include, colors, shapes, numbers and letters leading to words and reading.  And we LOVE books!

    We use Khan Acadademy and IXL and class DOJO to communicate and learn as a group, and for individual pacing and parent input and access.

    We also use the Missouri Early Learning Standards for guidelines and goals, and a new curriculum titled "Three Cheers."  I enjoy the lesson plans and reading material that three cheers supplies, more importantly so do our "Learning Lions".  We also spend daily time on social emotional learning, that goes hand in hand with self-regulation.  


    I will say while we want to inststill a love of learning and being at school in your child, my most important reason for being here is to be present to your child, our student.  As a Special Educator, I will do my best to meet them where they are - not only to measure them by a scale.  Their ability to take information in and ues it and to explore and grow is my goal.  Much of my day is spent on self-regulation skills so we can explore all the subjects that school offers, it is a big world to them, and their sense of belonging and purpose and well-being, all lead to them being ready to learn.  When your child is "at even" as I like to say, they are in a better place to move forward.  


    Our lesson plans will reflect the book selections so when you spend that important time reading to your child each day, you will see what we are using and suggesting.