

Degrees and Certifications:

BA- Sociology MA- Early Childhood Education

Ms. Brittany McPherson

Welcome to 1st Grade!

Dear 1st Families,


Welcome to a fun-filled year for you and your 1st grade scholar at Mullanphy Elementary! My name is Ms. Brittany McPherson, and I am thrilled to be your child’s teacher this year. I am looking forward to building positive relationships with your child and you as well! I believe that a successful school year is inevitable when collaboration occurs between families and myself. I am excited to work alongside you as we all learn and grow together this year!


About Me

This my 2nd year at Mullanphy and my second-year teaching first grade. Previously, I have worked as a kindergarten and 3rd grade teacher. 

I am the youngest of 8 children and I am also a twin.

In August, I will be welcoming my first child into this world and I am elated about it.

During my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, quick trips to Kansas City, and reading.  Sometimes I prefer staying in the house and binge-watching Netflix.



If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please contact me by email or class dojo. Regular communication between home and school throughout the school year will help your child experience success in 1st grade.


I look forward to meeting and speaking with you all!



Ms. Brittany McPherson