• Mullanphy Investigative Learning Center

    Uniform Policy

    All students must be in uniform every day.

    The Mullanphy ILC uniform consists of the following:

    • ·     Khaki or black pants, shorts, jumper, skirt, or skort.
    • ·     Any color polo.
    • ·     Plain, red, black or white sweatshirts or sweaters.
    • ·     Covered, low-heeled shoes worn with socks. (Open toe shoes are not allowed.)
    • ·     School-Spirit Fridays – Students may wear jeans and any Mullanphy printed T-shirt to show school spirit.


    Please note:

    ·     Uniforms may not be oversized, baggy or tight fitting.

    ·     Saggy pants are not allowed.

    ·     Do not wear hats, bandanas, or other headgear inside the school building.

    ·     Sweatshirts and sweaters must be solid red, white or black, and may not have logos, sayings or designs.


    Please call the school if you need assistance with uniforms (314-772-0994) and speak with our school counselor.