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Here is our day

Here is our day!

  • Hello to our students, and their families:

    This will give an idea of how the day unfolds, and what is next, so you can anticipate and plan the day, and when the school routine is settled for the new year, a new schedule will be posted.  I share this so you can see how busy we are!

    Each day we have arrival, breakfast, bathroom, opening circle, work activities, recess, lunch, bathroom, nap,specials, snack, bathroom, go home.  That is what a typical day looks like.

    We are moving and working with up to twenty students, and this takes a lot of practice.

    It is an expectation in the classroom that the student is toilet trained, accidents happen, but unless there is a medical reason or one listed in a student IEP, important that the child is able to feed themseives and use the bathroom on their own is the goal.  Children will receive assistance as needed, but independence is the goal.

    We have a weekly visit from a Ready Reader, an adult who volunteers to read aloud age appropriate books in the classroom.

    We also have a library time of 30 minutes weekly, and then a "special" art, music, and PE are offered daily to round out our days.

    Weather permitting, we have recess from 30-45 minutes daily.  If we cannot go outside, we play inside.

    Your child will have in-class instruction along with use of Ipads in the classroom. These activities compliment and enhance their learning in the area of pre-academics.

    There is a quiet time of 45 minutes daily also.

    A large initial part of the day, and one we will practice/ re-visit is what I call, the "learning how to learn" skills, and these are important skills to build a lifetime learner, these include, but are not limited to: alerting or responding to one's name, sitting and or staying in place for 3-5 minutes (this time will be built on), staying in line, walking safely in the hall and at transitions, quietness when appropriate, attending to speaker or a task, putting ones belongings away, and cleaning up after themselves.  These practices support their ability to be safe in school, organization, considerate of others, and to be ready to take information in.

    We ask that for your child to be as prepared as possible for school - that WE work together, they are rested, and able to help themselves to encourage independence which helps them to feel ready to participate in their day.  And you thought this was just play!  It includes a lot of play, but in pre-school,otherwise known as "play with a purpose."  Their days will be full.  There will be a lot of learning and negotiating of space, and to accommodate each other, and what great skills to build on!  It will be fun!

    I will firm up a schedule with you when we settle into our new school year.  Thank you, please reach out by email, or class Dojo, and I will respond.

    Mrs. Kulka