• IMG_0015.MOVA.txtMrs. Susan Kulka
    Name: Susan Kulka
    Room Number(s): 
    Subject(s): Special Education Teacher Cross-Categorical
    Building Phone: (314) 772-0994
    Teacher Message: I began my work in education more than 28 years ago. I was the student who my high school counselor said to, "you will never finish college".   I'm sharing this because I want you to know if you persevere you can achieve your goals.  It took 8 years and a lot of school-related jobs,  from recess duty, lunch lady, and being a substitute,  while attending night school with four children to earn my degree in Special Education, but I did it. No, let me say we did it, because I had the support of my family, and they benefited from the experience as over many years we did our homework together at the kitchen table, and neighborhood libraries.  Being in education has grown to be my avocation, or my second career, following my family as first.  I have taught in both self-contained and inclusion classroom's with a long background and preference are both in Early Childhood development, and in family education and support.  My current classroom will include students from 1st to 3rd grade. I get to learn something new every day within the classroom.  Your child, my student, will be surrounded by caring educators who are present to them, and will encourage and support them on their educational journey.  I look forward to working with you, and planting the seeds for a life-long love of learning for your child.  Remember ...
    "Together we can!"
    Mrs. Susan Kulka,  ECSE, MA SPED, MAC
    Biography: Born in Washington D.C. and through a work transfer at my  husband's former job, landed in St. Louis and this has been our family home for the last 31 years.  We have been married for 48 years, with 4 grown daughters  and a flock of grandkids along with a few furbabies. I have a Master degree in both Special Education and Counseling, and certification in Chemical Independence for working with people in recovery from addictions.  Being in school, reading, love of music, hiking, camping, crocheting, photography and gardening, are my hobbies, but spending time with my large family is at the top of my list.  My work is never dull and I get to interact with a great group of caring professionals that I also get to call my team.  My personal credo of Faith, Family and Friends, in that order supports my belief that - LIFE IS GOOD!  And yes, you can!