• For all of our students' safety, we ask all families to follow the following Arrival and Dismissal Procedures:


    • Arrival
      • No student may be dropped off on our campus before 8:40 a.m. 
    • Preschool and Autism students will enter through Door #10.
    • Kindergarten through Fifth Grade will enter through Door #8.

      • DeTonty Avenue is designated for school buses only.  For this reason, we ask all parents who will be driving their student to school, to enter through our Tower Grove entrance.

      • Buses will drop students off on DeTonty Avenue.

      • Any student arriving after 9:15 a.m. must report to the Main Office, Door #1.


      • DeTonty Avenue and Klemm Avenue are designated for school buses only.

      • Buses will pick students up on the designated streets.

      • Parents will use the same procedure for picking up their student(s). Parent will enter the parking lot

      using the Tower Grove entrance. Parents will use the white painted strip as a guide. An adult will be

      present to assist with this procedure. For families who pick up on a daily basis, they will receive a

      name tag for their car. 

      • If you wish to pick your child up for an early dismissal, you must call ahead and make an appointment.  Parents are not allowed to enter the building for pick up or drop off to decrease the spread of germs at this time.  
    • Early dismissals must occur before 3:15pm. Otherwise, all students will be sent home on their assigned bus.
    • Only those adults listed in the computer and who show proper ID will be allowed to pick up students.

    We appreciate your support as we transition to this new process. While changes can be difficult, we want to

    keep our students’ safety as our priority. Thank you for your cooperation support.

    Mrs. Kelli Casper, Ed.S.
    Mullanphy – Botanical Garden ILC

    Administrative Team