• We love our volunteers! 

    In order to volunteer, please contact Mr. Robinson, our Family & Community Specialist at Sharda.Williams@slps.org
    You'll also need to have completed a Volunteer Packet, which can be downloaded here


    When serving as a classroom volunteer, please:

    1. Sign in at the office when working at school. There is a “Volunteer Binder” on the front counter in the office for this purpose. 

    2. Wear a “Volunteer” badge while on campus. Badges are available in the office and must be worn by all visiting adults as a safety measure. If volunteering on a regular basis, please ask to have a “permanent” badge made for reuse.

    3. Remember to sign-out and to put your badge away when leaving campus.

    Below are listed guidelines and helpful hints for classroom volunteers. Please read these guidelines carefully so that your volunteer experience can be comfortable and rewarding for you, your child, and the classroom as a whole.

    • Notify the teacher if you cannot make your volunteer time. Many teachers plan their activities around volunteers and a phone call as early as possible would enable them to change those plans.
    • Make alternate arrangements for pre-school siblings. It’s best that your hands and attention are free to interact with the students in the class. Many parents “swap” babysitting so they can fully enjoy special time in their child’s classroom.
    • Use the cell phone golden rule...Turn it to off or on “vibrate” when you are working in the classroom.
    • Model “problem-solving” for the students. Handle unexpected situations with common sense and good judgment. However, we recognize that some situations require teacher intervention. When in doubt, defer to the teacher.
    • Model school rules and procedures – including stopping and listening while the teacher is speaking.