Phone: 314-776-6040


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Wanda Cannon-ICA


My name is Ms. Wanda Cannon, I have live in St. Louis all my life and is proud prodigy of Saint Louis Public School. I’m also a single parent of two boys and two girls, which is are prodigy of Saint Louis Public School along with my god daughter. Know, I have my Grandchildren starting up with Saint Louis Public School.

 I have been in the district about 30 years working as a ICA. I have worked in the elementary schools, the middle school, and know in the high school

I have had many task in my life working with our babies which I enjoy working with them, I’ve got to know their good and bad, their up and down, their likes and dislikes when they are happy are sad, I learn from them like they learn from me.

I’m a Special Ed Transition Pro which provides care for special need children, also work with children whom has a medical condition that has a 504 plan. I also decided to work with the children in after school, to help them learn guiding.

  My most memorable time working with the children is how we became a little small family were they can come and talks to me, when they are having problems. Don’t get me wrong I love the children but I need a little more financial in my life.

I have an Associate degree in Medical Assistant; I also went and got my Cosmetology License. I have been also working on getting my BA in Health and Human Service, I also love to do many different crafting like making candles, decorating doors for different holiday’s, making center pieces, and many other things.

AS in Medical Assistant