

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Sarah Natwick

Classes Taught: World Lit E, ESOL 4, ESOL 4 Read and Write, Academic Support, American History E


Room: 205

Phone Number: 314-776-6040 ex. 46228

My Name is Sarah Natwick.  I am super excited to meet or see everyone in my class this year!  This will be my 20th year in the classroom. All but two of them teaching here at Roosevelt High School.  Go Roughriders!  

My under graduate degree is from MacMurray College. It is a BS in Special Education.  While working at Roosevelt High School I became passionate about working with ELL students. I attended Webster University to earn my masters of arts in TESOL. 

I am certified in Special Education( K-12), TESOL( K-12), English (9-12) and Social Studies (5-9).