

    How do I have my child tested for Gifted Services? 

    Contact the district’s Gifted Education Office at (314) 345-4548. Shelice Hardin will be happy to provide more information and schedule an appointment for testing.

    Louis Public Schools does not accept testing results from outside or private agencies.

    Gifted Testing Office does not inform parents of the test instrument(s) being used at any time prior to the administration of the test for their child.


    What happens during the gifted testing?

    Testing will be administered at 801 N. 11thStreet, St. Louis, MO 63101

    The intelligence test administered depends on the age of the child and previous testing

    The academic test administered depends on the grade level of the child being tested

    Length of the test is dependent on the child’s age and abilities (25 minutes – 2.5 hours)

    How many times can a student be tested?

    A student can be tested a maximum of four times, one time per year.

     What scores are needed to be considered “gifted”?

    A student must have an IQ and academic achievement scores at or above the 90th percentile.


    Please notify your child's teacher of the results.