- Stix ECC Elementary School
- About Teacher
Paunan-Castaldi, Sandra - Resource
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Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Coday
My name is Abnash Coday, and I am the Resource teacher at Stix E.C.C. I work with IEP students in kindergarten, first, and second grades, pulling them out for the time required in their IEPs. Typically, I work with students on improving their reading, comprehension, written language, and math skills, and also with behaviors that might be preventing students from learning in the regular education setting.
The emphasis in my classroom is on learning, on working hard, and on being respectful towards everyone. Students learn to take responsibility for their own academic gains and success, and for their behavior, and to make the changes that are necessary for them to learn and grow.
My approach to making academic gains with students is to fill in the gaps that they may have by first reviewing the basics, then working on skills one at a time until the students gain proficiency and confidence in that skill and are able to work on it independently with success. Consistency is key, and we follow routines daily, so that the students know what to expect, and are prepared for the assignment and the subject when they walk into class. This makes transitions smoother, and it is very calming for students who have trouble with transitions. I work closely with the students, and help them along every step of the way until they gain the confidence to work on their own.
Similarly, with behavior expectations, consistency is key. The students know from Day 1 what my expectations are, and they are usually able to rise to them successfully. I believe in praise and success being the intrinsic motivators for students, although they do occasionally (and unexpectedly) get extrinsic rewards as well.
My years of experience have taught me that every child wants to learn and to both be and to feel successful. My students work hard, they see themselves learning and growing, and that motivates them to do even better. It is certainly exciting to see this change, and to know that the students are taking charge of their own growth, learning, and lives.
Parental involvement, teacher involvement, and student involvement are what lead to the ultimate success of every child. If any one of the above points of the triangle is missing, success is much harder to get. Students are empowered and feel special and important when they know that their parents are interested in their school lives, that their teacher cares, and that they have support to back them up, and adults who notice their gains and cheer them on to go further.
We have Parent Conferences in October and in March, and I would love to have each and every parent/guardian attend so that you can see what your child has been working on. Additionally, every student who receives special education services has a yearly IEP, when we look over how the previous year has gone for the student, and also look ahead to what we would like to see happen over the course of the next year. Your input in the IEP is both crucial and welcome, so that we have a well-rounded picture of your child, and we can set realistic goals and problem solve, if necessary. Additionally, kindergarten students also have two additional meetings: a Review of Existing Data (RED) meeting, when a decision is taken by the team on whether the student needs a formal evaluation or not. If the student has a formal evaluation conducted, then the results of the evaluation are shared with the team at the Eligibility meeting. Again, it is wonderful to have parents participate in these meeting so that we can make good decisions for the children in our care.
Parents/Guardians who would like to know what is going on with their student, or how the student is doing in Resource, you are welcome to set up a meeting at any time with me. I can be reached by calling (314) 533-0874 (and ask to be connected to Ms. Coday in Room 109), sending me a note, or stopping by if you are dropping off or picking up your child.
I look forward to meeting all the parents/guardians next school year, and to having the students back in school on August 16, ready to work and to learn.
Thank you for all you do, and for your love and commitment to your child(ren).
Ms. Coday