

    Our Cadets enrolled in JROTC can earn a variety of awards for Leadership, Academic, MilitaryAthletic, MiscellaneousEvent Participation, Competitions, Service Learning, and optional awards developed by the instructors. Below is a list of awards, badges and arcs Cadets may earn.

     Awards Chart 

    Awards Category

    Academic Awards                    (10 ribbons)

    Military Awards                         (15 ribbons)

    Athletic Awards                        (5 ribbons) 

    Miscellaneous Awards           (7 ribbons)

    National Awards                       (11 ribbons)


    ACADEMIC AWARDS (10 Ribbons)


    N-1-1   Distinguished Cadet Award for Scholastic Excellence

    Criteria: Awarded annually to one Cadet who exhibits the degree of excellence in scholastics. Awarded by: Superintendent

    N-1-2   Academic Excellence Ribbo

    Criteria: Awarded annually to one Cadet in each LET level for achieving the highest academic grades. Awarded by:

    N-1-3   Academic Achievement Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded annually to those Cadets who maintain a grade of A in all academics grades. Awarded by: The Director of Army Instruction or Senior Army Instructor in a single unit.

    N-1-4 Perfect Attendance Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded to Cadets with no unexcused absences during each quarter/semester. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor

    N-1-5 Student Government Ribbon

    Criteria: Elected to a student government office. Awarded by: Principal

    N-1-6 Leadership Development Service Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded to Cadets successfully completing first quarter/semester of training of each LET year. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor

    N-1-7 through N-1-10 Optional

    Criteria: Awarded based on criteria developed locally. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor


    ATHLETIC AWARDS (15 Ribbons)


    N-2-1 Varsity Athletic Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded annually to Cadets in varsity sports. Awarded by: Principal

    N-2-2 Physical Fitness Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded annually to Cadets who maintain excellent physical fitness. The ribbon will be presented to Cadets receiving an 85-percentile rating or better in all 5 Cadet Challenge events. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor

    N-2-3 ROTC Athletic Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded annually to Cadets who maintain a basic, yet challenging level of physical fitness. The ribbon will be presented to Cadets receiving a 50-percentile rating or better in all 5 Cadet Challenge events. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor

    N-2-4 and N-2-5 Optional

    Criteria: Awarded based on criteria developed locally. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor


    MILITARY AWARDS (15 Ribbons)


    N-3-1 Directors of Army Instruction/Senior Army Instructor Leadership Ribbon
    Criteria: Awarded annually to the one Cadet in each LET level Who displays the highest degree of leadership. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor

    N-3-2 Personal Appearance Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded annually to Cadets who consistently present an outstanding appearance. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor

    N-3-3 Proficiency Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded annually to those Cadets who have demonstrated an exceptionally high degree of leadership, academic achievement, and performance of duty. Awarded by: Directors of Army Instruction/Senior Army Instructor

    N-3-4 Drill Team Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded annually to drill team members. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor.

    N-3-5 Orienteering Ribbon 

    Criteria: Awarded annually to Cadets who are members of the orienteering teams. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor 2

    N-3-6 Color/Honor Guard Ribbon:

    Criteria: Award annually to members of color/honor guard. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor

    N-3-7 Marksmanship Team Ribbon

    Criteria:  Awarded annually to rifle team members. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor

    N-3-8 Adventure Team Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded annually to Cadets who are members of adventure training type units. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor

    N-3-9 Commendation Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded to Cadets whose performance of duty exceptionally exceeds that expected of Cadets of their grade and experience. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor

    N-3-10 Good Conduct Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded annually to Cadets who have demonstrated outstanding conduct throughout the school. Awarded by: Senior army Instructor

    N-3-11 JCLC Participation Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded to Cadets for JCLC participation. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor 

    N-3-12 through N-3-15 Optional

    May be awarded based upon criteria developed locally. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor




    N-4-1 Parade Ribbon
    Criteria: Awarded to Cadets who have participated in local community parades; for example, Veterans’ Day, Memorial Day, etc. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor

    N-4-2 Recruiting Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded to Cadets who recruit students into the JROTC program each quarters/semester. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor

    N-4-3 through N-4-5 Optional

    Criteria: Awarded based on criteria developed locally. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor

    N-4-6 Service Learning Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded annually to Cadets who participate in service learning projects. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructors.

    N-4-7 Excellent Staff Performance Ribbon

    Criteria: Awarded annually to Cadet Staff Officers for excellent performance. Awarded by: Senior Army Instructor