

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Tylar Searcy

Hello! My name is Ms. Searcy and I am your students' Biology teacher. In Biology, we will be investigating the following topics: ecosystems, genetics, evolution & natural selection, and matter & energy. These topics will be explored through deep partner/classroom discussions and questioning. As students move through the content, they will use critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Unlike other courses, the learning model is based on real-world scenarios and phenomena, to support students in relating science to real life. Alongside Biology, students will research and explore the world of S.T.E.(A.) M., and learn more about the future through the Global Goals and how they can use 21st-century skills to support their future endeavors. 

Contact Information

Phone #: (314) 817-7433



Daily Period Schedule

A-Day Schedule                                   B-Day Schedule

1st: 8:10a-9:30a (Planning)                   5th: 8:10a-9:30a (Class)

Adv: 9:35a-10:15a                                 Adv: 9:35a-10:15a

2nd: 10:20a-11:40a (Class)                   6th: 10:20a-11:40 (Class)

3rd: 11:45a-1:05pm (Class)                   7th: 11:45a-1:05p (Planning)

Lunch: 1:05 pm-1:35 pm                        Lunch: 1:05 pm-1:35 pm

4th: 1:40pm-3:02pm (Class)                  4th: 1:40pm-3:02pm (Class)


Other Resources

Syllabus '23-'24 

Classroom Expectations 

Course Curriculum