- Roosevelt High School
- Health Syllabus
Corrigan, Benjamin - Health/Athletic Director
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Health Syllabus & Expectations
Mr. Benjamin Corrigan
Health Education is a required course of the high school curriculum and plays an integral role in society. A primary goal of this class is to provide students with accurate information and learning experiences needed to make responsible decisions and develop healthy behaviors. Through knowledge, awareness, and the ability to make appropriate health related decisions, students will improve self esteem, wellness, and quality of life.
Classroom Materials needed: Students should be prepared for Health class every day. It is the student’s responsibility to bring the materials needed to class on a daily basis. Pen/pencil, paper-loose leaf or spiral notebook.
Book: Glencoe Health
Topics Covered: Nutrition, Weight Management, Tobacco, Alcohol, Medicine & Illicit Drug use, Communicable Diseases, NonCommunicable Diseases, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Grades: Students grades will be based on the following: Daily Participation, Classroom assignments, Notes, Written essays and reports, individual and group projects, & tests.
Grade Scale: A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, F=59 and below.
Make-Up Work: If a student is absent for any reason, the student will be allowed to make up any and all work. Work must be turned in before the end of each quarter before final grades are submitted for processing.
Classroom Behavior: Students will be expected to follow any and all Roosevelt High School Rules and Expectations as stated in the student handbook.
Teacher Contact Information: I can be reached through my district email Benjamin.Corrigan@slps.org or by calling 776-6040 to set up a time at which I can call you back to discuss your student’s classroom performance and behavior.