Going Green

  • Busch Middle School of Character is striving to be a green school. Student-led initiatives, such as our recycling and composting programs, help the environment while teaching our students valuable skills for the future.
    Thanks to the efforts of Ms. Katja Kopp, Busch Middle School of Character was recently selected by Gateway Greening of St. Louis as the site for a community garden. The garden was installed on Saturday, September 14, 2013 on the east side of the building. We are beyond excited to receive this grant, which will help us further educate our students in sustainability.
    In addition to the garden beds, we also received a donation of picnic benches and tables which form our new outdoor classroom.  This is bringing the educational experience at Busch Middle School of Character to an incredible new level.
    In 2019, Teen Outreach Program volunteers from Busch painted our picnic tables to add a splash of color to the east side of our building.